Saturday, June 25, 2011

A new addition...............

Carter has a flat head on one side and had to get a helmet to help correct it. He has to wear it 23 hours a day for about 6 more weeks. He got measured this week and has already moved 1/4 of an inch which is half way there. So the Doctor said maybe only 6-8 weeks longer. He doesn't mind wearing it, it is more of a bother for me than him. I will be happy when he gets to take it off for good!


Shari Nelson said...

I hope that it goes by fast and helps!! He is so stinking cute though that you don't really notice!!

Matt, Stephanie and Hayden Berglind said...

Your mom had pictures of Carter in his helmet and it is just the cutest thing! He has the most adorable face. And again, can I just tell you how much I cannot wait to have you come to Washington!!! We will have so much fun, just like old times! (Maybe I should get my barbies out of storage...haha!)