Friday, May 8, 2009

A recap of our week

Adelaide's ballet performance is Saturday. They had a dress rehearsal and picture day on Thursday. She really liked wearing her blue tutu.
Adelaide showing me her idea of fifth position.

She is a pretty little girl.

This is Emma's latest face. She had a tooth come in on top but it isn't one of her front teeth it is a side tooth. She's a snaggle tooth baby now. I can't figure out if she can feel it when she makes this face or what.

I was trying on old dresses that I wore as a baby and taking pictures of Emma. The other two wanted in on the action.

Brandon started his summer job this week. He had trainings in Anchorage after school every night. Here is a picture of the kids hanging out with Dad before he had to go to work again. Brandon has been in a weight loss challenge for the past couple months and he has lost 30lbs. He made weight today! He celebrated by having 4 donuts and a vanilla steamer for breakfast. Way to go!


sarah and jeremy said...

Your kids are adorable. Love the toothy pic! Tell your hubby congrats on the weight loss, that is so great!!

Shari Nelson said...

What a cute bunch of kids!!!! Addy looks soooo cute in her tutu!! and Emma is sucha character!! Just like Davis! and Brandon if I had lost 30 pounds i would eat 5 doughnuts a slurpee and a lb of chocolate!!! beat that! ha ha

The Huffies said...

That is the cutest ballerina I've ever seen! Congrats brando on the weight loss! Could you rub off on us a little?! Hope you guys are doing well, we miss you!