Davis wrestled this year. He learned a lot and hopefully he gets more aggressive over the next year so he can win a match. He sure loves his little baby brother. He has made it clear that he loves Carter more than Mom, Dad, Grandma and even his sisters. When he wakes up in the morning the first thing he does is go looking for Carter.
Adelaide has still been doing dance. She has a recital in a week. She loves to perform and put on makeup. She is soo ready for kindergarten. She is having a great time at preschool. She writes her name, can sight read words, and do simple math problems. She likes to brag about how much she knows to Davis. He doesn't appreciate it.
Emma is counting down the days until her "Birthday", which isn't until June. She keeps telling me that on her birthday she wants white cake and she gets to take dance and preschool. For her birthday present we are going to put her in dance for the summer since she thinks that is what she gets to do. Preschool is going to have to wait a year, and I think we can swing a white cake.
Carter is such a sweet baby. He is so laid back. He sleeps thru the night, eats well and loves to be talked to.
thanks for the update!! I love hearing how everyone is doing!! Your quilt is gorgeous and the kids are even more so!! Love you all!! p.s. who wouldn't love a little guy that can't even brag about what they can do, and they always smile when they see you?? I get it Davis.
FINALLY a new post! Love the pictures and I can't wait to see everyone in June.
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