Friday, June 4, 2010

It's Official!

Our Baby is Officially not a "baby" anymore. She is two and as independent as all get out. We have loved watching her grow up and discover things for herself. She is a fun and humorous little girl. She gets teasing and loves to do whatever her brother and sister are doing. Emma Claire we love you and are so grateful to have you in our family.


Harada's said...

She is such a doll!! And congrats on the new baby!! How exciting!! How are you handeling 3 kids and being prego with #4? Have you been sick or lacking in energy? We are thinking about getting prego with our 4th and last baby and I am so nervous for the pregnancy... pregnancy doesnt agree with me well. =)
Good luck, your amazing!

Shari Nelson said...

Happy Birthday to you! Sniff!! They grow up so fast! Emma you are such a cutie!

The Huffies said...

So guys should have a million kids, they are all so darn cute!!

Rosie said...

Fancy meeting you on a blog!:) You do have beautiful children and I'm excited for you to be having a boy. COngrats to your hubby on getting on at Colony!:)