Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Birthday Celebration Early

We celebrated Emma's Birthday early before grandma left for the summer.
Emma was loving all of the attention.
Trying to share with her sis.

I thought it was funny that Brandon was trying to feed the Birthday Girl her cake with a fork.

It's almost like she knew she was supposed to pose with her cake for the camera.

No more pictures!

Brotherly love. Emma could care less.

Emma at the park making her "kissy monkey face."

I did a preschool with some of the mom's in the neighborhood this year and as a last get together we went to our local milk, cheese, ice cream plant to learn about cow's and how they make the ice cream and produce the milk. It was fun. I even learned something. I had no idea cow's had 4 stomachs.

I gave Emma pancakes with strawberries and real whip cream. You can see the delight on her face and she stuffs it in.

My grown up baby girl. She is turning into such a pretty little girl- she can be so gross though. She is worse than Davis. She thinks burping, farting and boogers are hilarious. She isn't afraid to pick up a spider and she will chase Davis with it as he screams and runs for his life. I went outside the other day to find her naked on the porch with #1 and #2 in an empty gatorade bottle? Where did we go wrong?


Nelson Family said...

I showed Brandon my post and he said TMI when it came to Adelaide. Sorry everyone. I am sure you mom's understand that is my day to day. I have to tell someone about it who understands my dilema.

sarah and jeremy said...

HA! Thanks for the laugh. She is hilarious...husbands dont understand what we go through all day and we just have to vent about it to all the other moms...sooo funny!

Rachel Garces said...

so happy to find another cousin blog to read....i love keeping in touch with all the welsh kids. Your kids are DARLING!!!

Shari Nelson said...

Ha ha ha ha! Your kids are so stinking darling and hilarious! I don't think that you went wrong anywhere! Kids are sooo amuzing! I laugh at the kids everyday because they are so funny! You definitly have your hands full, and I am sure that you wouldn't have it any other way! What cute pictures!! Love you all!!!

Kirsten said...

I'm still laughing..olivia chases gavin with bugs too...and olivia tries to pee standing up like the boys outside....i totally understand