" Mom, I need to wear a dress, to get married!" she starts to walk off and says, " Ugh, I need to go get married in the temple!"
This morning I had the children's primary songs playing and I feel my Saviors' love started playing.
"Mom! Saviors' Love!" Adelaide
"Yep, who is the Savior?" Mom
"Jesus. Davis, who is your Savior?" Adelaide
"Jesus." Davis
"Yep, that's good." Adelaide
Yesterday was the primary program at church. One girl was talking about getting ready to be baptised. Adelaide said "Mom, I want to get baptised too."
She is a fun kid. She certainly has a sense of humor. Whenever we go somewhere and she is asked what her name is she says "Boo Boo or Doo Doo head," and then laughs because she gets a kick out of herself. Atleast I can be reassured that some serious gospel principles are getting thru that goofy personality.